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Jaimman Sodeshi

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Seditious Senselessness

We live in a world

shrouded in terror;

protected by men

of unimaginable valour.

They ask for nothing

yet we somehow do less;

how mighty of us

to betray their trust.

Speak out against the government,

criticise till you cry shrill;

but know the difference

between politics and nation.

We elect mortal men

though our nation a wonder immortal;

throw the unworthy away,

but speak no ill of our mother. 

Brave blood gushed in rivers

to shape this land of ours;

no doubts or disagreements 

over their sacrifices for this just cause.

The ashes of our founders,

lie ashamed and in pain;

lives laid down for the nation,

not for the men who would run it. 

Every act of sedition,

a slap on their faces;

tainting their achievements,

rubbishing their accolades. 

Every act of sedition,

must be answered in kind;

we owe them our freedom,

how can we turn blind eyes?

Democracy demands accountability,

it even craves for dissent;

but what it can never condone

is disrespecting the nation.  

Sedition seduces spineless men to sin

though flippant use its equally thoughtless twin.

Freedom to be truly felt,

can never be unrestricted or unlimited.  

If there are no boundaries

how will we ever comprehend

the concrete certainty in our actions,

or the morbid morality in just sanctions? 

We will never know the power

that great liberty bestows;

fight over meanings and nuances

not over the mother in whom you grow. 

Sedition a matricidal snare,

spits on the graves of our noble dead;

remember who fights for this nation,

every selfless soldier in unappreciated creation.  

Never a shield to be used

against any trivial act;

but a necessary sword

restrictively used to jab.  

We must be united,

don’t be led astray;

how dare you break the hearts

of everyone who died for this day?

Turn away from seditious senselessness,

do not stand with the wilfully wrong;

this ungrateful insurgency is unforgivable,

our martyrs demand a greater due.

Sedition is not some lowly crime—

wretched and utterly vile. 

A myriad of fallen souls didn't die

for this blatant abuse of our God-given rights. 

Be proud of your country,

bask bold in its glorious history,

protect until your last breath,

our mother's sacred dignity. 
