DO YOU STILL LOVE ME ? 3 months ago

Poetry 4 Chapter Created 27 Reads 0 Likes

"Explore a decade-long narrative intricately woven through the artistry of poetry in the pages of this one-of-a-kind literary journey." Beyond mere lyrics, this book reveals a moving story of love and self-discovery. Witness the author's journey through the complexity of love, having to contend with emotions that met and sentiments that resonated in the first half. The second act unfolds like a hopeless romantic tenderly picking petals off a rose, succumbing to the unpredictable nature of love. The author bares their soul in 20 heartbreaking poems to answer the unsettling question that persists throughout: 'Do you still love her?' Welcome to a poetic odyssey where verses paint a portrait of love's enduring quest."

Aditya Pandit

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