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Chapter 1 :


Life seems too confused, i forgot which is the brighter side, Just like a coin which has a head and a tail behind on each side; Too many lies we hear and we say, don't know which one is true, Too many questions life put forward to us, whose answers we never knew; We live our life the way we want to or the way it takes us blindly, All we want to do is live our life pain free; Time between our childhood and now seems to have flown so fast, But memories of the past seems to forever last; It's hard to know that you are a stranger to yourself, Besides you knowing yourself better, you are known better by someone else; Life maybe too short but enough to live with your loved ones, You wanted a life of no hardships and pain free, but that time never comes; Moments of the past stays as traces of a long ago walked path, Good memories and bad ones all locked away in the chambers of our heart; We thank god for the life we are living now, We thank our parents for being our shelter and supporting us even till now; Every new day of our life, like a fresh chapter of a book to begin with, Every night of our life, for sadness and stress to be thrown beneath; Live life as much as you can, throw all the worries besides for a while, Live life enough so that enough death makes you smile !!