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Chapter 1 :


It is said that many years ago there was fight between a blue warrior and a treacherous monster which lasted for a very long time until the mother earth becomes infertile. As the dark age expands the warrior becomes weak and started losing the dominion. Mustering all its power and force...With the last final swing of his sword he managed to cut one of the head's of " MANY HEAD MONSTER" before vanishing into the thin air. Presently the Earth is ruled by Many Head Monster with the support from his 'Army of hell'. Everything which happens in and around the world...Even in the remotest corner of the world like Crab taking volcanic bath at Nemo point or Mother feeding her child in sub sahara region does not got without noticing by the HELL ARMY whose networks runs deep into the earth through 'canals of fire'. But there is this one place which exists in the folklore of the common people and the Hell Army cannot discover it yet. The place is hidden from the map of the world and even the "MANY HEAD MONSTER is scared by the existence of that place. This city known as the 'silver city' is the place said to be the home of the blue warrior where he cuts off the head of the Many head monster and the spill of the blood marks the boundary of the spell that makes the city invisible to anything evil.