Origin and Spread of Buddhism in ASEAN Countries and its... 6 years ago

Non-Fiction 1 Chapter Created 468 Reads 0 Likes

Overtime many significant events have shaped history, from natural disasters, wars and the never ending feud of politics they have all played a significant role in history. But there is one that has had the most influential effect of all, religion. Throughout time there has been an abundance of different religions and practices formed over the years, from Christianity to Judaism, each of them having their own impacts on culture and society, one of the major religions that formed was Buddhism. While studying the World religion and other related research works, I found the subject ‘Origin and Spread of ‘Buddhism in on ASEAN Countries and its Impact’countries’ very intriguing, since I am a Hindu that has not had much religion experiences outside of Hinduism though both are Hinduism are Buddhism closely knitted.

Rommel Ganguli

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