A soft journey 5 years ago

Humor 3 Chapter Created 343 Reads 0 Likes

Gautam lands in silicon city Bangalore to earn a sumptuous job in a software company after his engineering is done. He is a Tamil background fellow and struggles to speak in English. Employers never wanted to work with a stupid and dump fellow like him. His friends mock and tease him very badly. Much to their surprise, Reshmi, a beautiful and glorious girl falls in love with Gautam. Reshmi wants to become a choreographer but her software job blocks her dream. Would Gautam grab a job in a software company despite his stuttering English? Would Reshmi become a choreographer and find her peace in dancing?

Karthick Hemabushanam

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Karthick Hemabushanm, was born in Gummidipoondi, near Chennai, in 1985. He graduated from the Government college of engineering, Bargur in 2007 and started his career as software engineer. He has written a novel A Chaotic NRI which was published through Wordit Art Fund program. His short stories has published in leading online platforms. He lives in Chennai, with his wife and one kid. Follow him on twitter @phkarthick https://www.facebook.com/phkarthick https://karthickhemabushanam.wordpress.com/

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